Gobotix rail autonomy product goes to market

    March 23rd, 2016|

    Today Gobotix launched its autonomous roll back detection product with the delivery  of the first batch of devices to a major train operating company in the UK.  The devices will be fitted to passenger carrying trains running in and out of London and will serve to enhance existing safety provisions. GobotiX GoTRAX* is an infrastructure [...]

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    GoTRAX reaches new milestone

    July 2nd, 2015|

    Gobotix's GoTRAX system  reached a new milestone in June with the successful fitting of a fully functional prototype to one of Chiltern Railway's passenger trains operating out of Marylebone.  The camera unit fits neatly behind the windscreen collecting data during all normal operating conditions.  The data is passed to the lab through Chiltern's network where it [...]

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    Chiltern Railways

    May 14th, 2015|

    In partnership with Chiltern Railways and the RSSB we are developing 'VUES', the Vehicle Underside Examination System that promises to reduce maintenance outages across the railway. GOBOTiX and Chiltern Railways have worked together to develop VUES, a continuous automatic inspection system using computer vision. Specialist cameras and lighting are used to detect anomalies such as overheating [...]